Concepts for an approach to unification of critical systems and the safety process


  • Alina Viktorovna Aleksandrova Moscow Polytechnic University
  • Anatolij Aleksandrovich Shirokov Moscow Polytechnic University
  • Dmitrij Viktorovich Sobol' Moscow Polytechnic University
  • Valentina Valentinovna Britvina Moscow Polytechnic University


component assurance, system security, security critical software,, Software Assurance, information security


Securing computer systems that rely on security and safety guarantees such as consistency, durability, efficiency, and availability requires or needs resources. It targets the problems of a system of systems (SoS), except for difficulties and problems that are similarly applicable to interactions of subsystems in a single system and interactions of a system as components in a large information system. This research focuses on providing security and information for critical systems, where security and protection issues are considered prior to moving to the actual implementation / development phase of component systems. This will require a conceptual idea or strategy that addresses the security issues of the application logic. This could indicate a vulnerability in a single component, or reuse of a BOM in existing logic in a component system. With this situation in mind, we have identified seven security concepts and security design strategies for missioncritical systems.

Author Biographies

Alina Viktorovna Aleksandrova, Moscow Polytechnic University

5th year student in the direction "Information security of automated systems" of the Moscow Polytechnic University

Anatolij Aleksandrovich Shirokov, Moscow Polytechnic University

5th year student in the direction "Information security of automated systems" of the Moscow Polytechnic University

Dmitrij Viktorovich Sobol', Moscow Polytechnic University

5th year student in the direction "Information security of automated systems" of the Moscow Polytechnic University

Valentina Valentinovna Britvina, Moscow Polytechnic University


Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of "Infocognitive Technologies" of the Moscow Polytechnic University, Associate Professor of the Department of "Management and Informatics in Technical Systems" of the Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN"


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How to Cite

Aleksandrova А.В. Concepts for an approach to unification of critical systems and the safety process / Aleksandrova А.В. [et al.] // Русский. – 2021. – № 1 [17]. – P. 54–59.



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