Совершенствование структуры воздушного пространства московского узлового диспетчерского района
Московский аэроузел, безопасность полетов, экономия, обслуживание воздушного движения, воздушное судно, аэродром, пропускная способность, аэроузел, взаимодействие органов обслуживанияAbstract
Due to the constantly increasing intensity of the flow of aircraft, the capacity of a particular sector of airspace reaches its predetermined normative. More than 60% of all air traffic of the Russian Federation falls on the Moscow airspace and its intensity is constantly growing. The effective organization of air traffic in an aero-node control area depends on the ability of air traffic controllers to correctly align the order of arrival and departure of aircraft with the existing traffic intensity, prohibitions and restrictions, meteorological conditions and other factors. This article discusses the problematic aspects of the coordination between ATC units, leading to delays in departing and approaching aircraft, affecting the safety, efficiency and regularity of air traffic. The rules of coordination between adjacent ATC sectors, providing aerodrome dispatching service in the Russian Federation are described. The description of the coordination process between the Ostafievo Airport ATCs and the controllers of adjacent dispatch centers is given. Such adjacent ATCs are: the Vnukovo-Radar, the Domodedovo-Radar, the FIS Vnukovo-1 and the FIS Vnukovo-2. Recommendations are presented which, when applied, will help to improve the effectiveness of the coordination system between ATC units.
Отчет о НИР Разработка схем маневрирования для аэродромов Москва (Домодедово), Москва (Шереметьево), Москва (Внуково), Остафьево и Раменское. Филиал. «НИИ Аэронавигации» ФГУП ГосНИИ ГА. Москва. 2016.
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