Стратегии цифрового лидерства и запрос на новые компетенции цифровой экономики: основа для сотрудничества Россия-Болгария
digital economy, digital turbulence, Industry 4.0 technologies, digital transformation strategy, business models, key performance indicators (KPIs), digital transformation, digital leadership strategy, digital economy competencies, strategic systems thinkingAbstract
The article reveals the nature, essence, features of the digital economy, as well as the changes taking place with the business and economy of countries associated with a new technological shift. The results of the analysis strategies for digital leadership, derived from the matrix approach – matrix Pro-fessor L. V. Lapidus, «the Evolution of digital economy & System of digital transformation», given the change drivers of competitiveness, accompanying the development of the digital economy.
It is pointed to the strengthening of the role of the state to create conditions for reducing risks and load when launching a mass digital transformation. The re-view of programs within which digitalization is implemented in Russia and Bulgaria is given. Particular attention is paid to the joint efforts of Russia and Bulgaria to achieve digital leadership, primarily in the development of digital economy competencies and digital transformation.
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