Creation of an electronic textbook on the discipline "Structure and functioning of information systems" for students of the specialty 09.02.04 "Information systems (by industry)"


  • Anatolij Romanovich Klejmenov Technical College of TSTU
  • Oksana Vasil'evna Dubrovina Technical College of TSTU


electronic study guide, electronic educational resources, multimedia materials


At the present stage of the development of education, informatization of various directions has become very widespread. Electronic textbooks and e-learning courses on disciplines are being introduced, multimedia materials, testing systems and all possible options for network learning are used. In most cases, the block of IT disciplines is the fastest growing and changing depending on the direction of training of students and the speed of development of computer technology and programs. In the process of research work, an electronic textbook on the discipline "Structure and operation of information systems" was created, containing all the materials necessary for studying the discipline.

Author Biographies

Anatolij Romanovich Klejmenov, Technical College of TSTU

4th year student of the Technical College of TSTU

Oksana Vasil'evna Dubrovina, Technical College of TSTU

Teacher of special disciplines at the Technical College of TSTU


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How to Cite

Klejmenov А.Р. Creation of an electronic textbook on the discipline "Structure and functioning of information systems" for students of the specialty 09.02.04 "Information systems (by industry)" / Klejmenov А.Р., Dubrovina О.В. // Русский. – 2021. – № 1 [17]. – P. 74–76.



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