IT-solutions in the automation of the process of selection and management of personnel


  • Ljazat Zhumabaevna Taukenova University "Turan-Astana"
  • Ajgerim Kuatzhanovna Kairzhanova REM "Engineering and Technical Center" of the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Erzhan Nygmetzhanovich Zhumabaev "Academy of Imageology"


automated personnel management system, HR automation, HR service


This article will consider the correct planning and organization of the recruitment process, increasing its efficiency, profitable solutions to automate the process of recruiting and attracting personnel, modern technologies, programs, recruitment systems that will help to carry out automation, the benefits and advantages of automating this process in various organizations and personnel service.

Author Biographies

Ljazat Zhumabaevna Taukenova, University "Turan-Astana"

Doctor in profile, University "Turan-Astana", Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Ajgerim Kuatzhanovna Kairzhanova, REM "Engineering and Technical Center" of the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Acting Head of the Design and Development Department, RGP on REM "Engineering and Technical Center" of the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Erzhan Nygmetzhanovich Zhumabaev, "Academy of Imageology"

IS Maintenance and Operation Specialist, "Academy of Imageology", Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.


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Сиротенко В. Автоматизация рекрутинга. Практическое пособие по выбору, внедрению и применению ATS-систем / В. Сиротенко. — M., 2021.

Зинченко А.А. Моделирование процессов подбора и оценки персонала / А.А. Зинченко. — M., 2021.

HR System Express — система для автоматизации процесса подбора персонала [Электрон. ресурс]. — Режим доступа:

HR-digital сегодня и завтра: решения по автоматизации управления персоналом [Электрон. ресурс]. — Режим доступа: https://www.64159-hr-digital-segodnia-i-zavtra-populiarnye-resheniia-po-avtomatizatsii-upravleniia-personalom.pdf.



How to Cite

Taukenova Л.Ж. IT-solutions in the automation of the process of selection and management of personnel / Taukenova Л.Ж., Kairzhanova А.К., Zhumabaev Е.Н. // Русский. – 2021. – № 1 [17]. – P. 25–29.



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