Пример реализации инновационных разработок на основе тесного взаимодействия структур инновационного кластера «Южное созвездие»


  • Oleg Anatolievich Evseev Российский сельскохозяйственный банк


innovation clusters, management, examples of interaction, factors of development of cluster structures


The article is devoted to the functioning of the pilot innovation cluster. World experience shows that innovative clusters are the most successful organizational form for the development and promotion of innovations.

On the example of the Southern Constellation innovation cluster, the interaction scheme and cooperation links between the participants within the cluster and the interaction with the external environment are considered, the main projects and problems in the cluster’s activities are described. The possibility of inte-grating into the global system of innovation clusters is also being considered.



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How to Cite

Evseev О.А. Пример реализации инновационных разработок на основе тесного взаимодействия структур инновационного кластера «Южное созвездие» / Evseev О.А. // Русский. – 2019. – № 2 [10]. – P. 12–16.



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