Формирователь СВЧ-импульсов наносекундной длительности для нелинейного радиолокатора
microwave pulse former, amplifier, nanosecond pulse, acquisition radar, range discriminationAbstract
Radar technologies are one of the promising technologies that provide protection against terrorist threats acts on objects of national importance. Using of radar probing signals with a wide and ultra-wide frequency band allows us to create new highly informative radar systems that operate in the radio mode of the target. This paper presents the results of the development, design and study of a nanosecond microwave pulse former for a nonlinear radar. This microwave pulse former of nanosecond duration has the parameters: peak power 2,09 kW, pulse duration at -3 dB level 5 ns, pulse repetition rate 250 Hz, carrier frequency 848 MHz.
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